Thanks for taking the time to visit our Data Breach Search Engine and for helping us to improve it! *** Note that this is not an exaustive list of all data breaches. We are adding new data breaches regularly. *** - Heard about a new data breach, but it is not in the search engine? --- Few reasons are possible! (We are working on it and it will be added soon, something is missing and it cannot be published until we gather & validate all the missing information, etc) --- It may take some time to get new data breaches listed (We do our best to get them published as soon as humanly possible). --- We appreciate if you ping us and send us the details and source url to this email address: new-databreach[DOT]DBSE@citweb[DOT]ca --- Replace the [DOT] with . in the email ---. - I have discovered an error or something missing in the published information: - We do our best to provide the most accurate information to our users and visitors. --- It's normal! We do rely on humans, and they may make mistakes. - The information presented in this Data Breach Search Engine™ (for short DBSE™) by is collected and aggregated from online sources - Even if we do check and review, errors may occur during the insertion of a specific data breach information. - As data breaches take time to detect and report, different sources may provide different information (breach date, what has been breached, number of affected users or accounts, etc). - If you notice an error in the information presented in our website, please contat us via email to: Ooops[DOT]DBSE@citweb[DOT]ca --- Replace the [DOT] with . in the email --- and we will be happy to review and make corrections and adjustment. Provide us with the following: --- Title: What data breach (ompany, Date, ..) You can copy the title of that data breach from our website --- Corrections: Provide the details about the corrections to be made. --- Online sources: Provide any online sources in order to help us verify and make the adjusment - Do you send alerts? --- This is something we are considering. We will see! If users ask for it, we will be happy to notify users when new data breaches are added to the data base. --- We will be considering, quick SMS notifications --- Email notifications based on the user prefernce. (Ex. I want to receive alerts if a new data breach in the Health industry is added) - How do you classify data breaches: To give a way to compare the scale of the impact based on he size, we use this scale: --- Tremendous: Hundreds of millions (100M+) --- Huge: Millions (1M - 99M) --- Big: Hundreds of thousands (100-999K) --- Medium: Tens of thousands (10-99K) --- Small: Thousands (1-9K) --- Tiny: 999 or less - Do you need contributors? --- For sure.If you can add value, collaborate with us to make it better, please tell us more about yourself and what can you add! --- Send us an email to: contribuuuuuute[DOT]DBSE@citweb[DOT]ca --- Replace the [DOT] with . in the email ---